G5DAV-5 messages

fromtotime message
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/05 18:30:32z Send another 2M0WHX{78}76
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/05 18:30:02z Reply Intermediate/David Strachan/Scotland{4X}78
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/05 18:30:01z Send another 2M0WHX{78}75
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/05 18:27:44z Send another G5DAV{77}74
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/05 18:27:15z Reply {4W}77
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/05 18:27:14z Send another G5DAV{77}73
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 17:11:46z Send another 2M0WHX{87}63
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 17:11:16z Reply Intermediate/David Strachan/Scotland{K4}87
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 17:11:16z Send another 2M0WHX{87}62
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 16:20:50z Send another From phone app{86}61
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 16:16:19z Send another From phone app{86}60
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 16:12:19z Send another From phone app{86}5F
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 16:08:49z Send another From phone app{86}5E
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 16:00:35z Send another From phone app{86}5C
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 15:58:35z Send another From phone app{86}5B
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 15:57:05z Send another From phone app{86}5A
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 15:56:04z Send another From phone app{86}59
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 15:55:49z Send another 2M0WHX{85}58
G5DAV-5 2M0WHX-7 09/03 15:55:34z Send another From phone app{86}57
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 15:55:20z Reply Intermediate/David Strachan/Scotland{K3}85
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 15:55:19z Send another 2M0WHX{85}56
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:53:26z Send another WHO{84}54
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:53:05z Send another WHO{83}53
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:52:56z Reply format is an invalid command!{TD}84
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:52:56z Send another WHO{84}52
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:52:33z Reply format is an invalid command!{TC}83
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:52:33z Send another WHO{83}51
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 12:52:30z Send another Test message{7A}50
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:50:25z Send another EGPF{82}4F
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:49:55z Reply format is an invalid command!{TB}82
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:49:55z Send another EGPF{82}4E
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 12:48:30z Send another Test message{7A}4D
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:48:27z Send another G5DAV{81}4C
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:47:58z Reply {TA}81
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:47:58z Send another G5DAV{81}4B
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:46:15z Send another MB6CY{80}4A
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:45:58z Send another MM1SYD{7F}49
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:45:46z Reply MB6CY was not found!{T9}80
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:45:45z Send another MB6CY{80}48
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 12:45:29z Reply Sydney McCance/Scotland{T8}7F
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 12:45:28z Send another MM1SYD{7F}47
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 12:44:59z Send another Test message{7A}46
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 12:21:05z Send another Test message{7A}45
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 11:39:36z Send another Test message{7A}44
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:36:12z Send another GB7LB{7E}43
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 11:36:12z Send another Test message{7A}42
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:30:28z Send another GB7LB{7D}41
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:30:12z Reply GB7LB was not found!{T7}7E
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:30:11z Send another GB7LB{7E}40
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:29:59z Reply GB7LB was not found!{T6}7D
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 11:29:58z Send another Test message{7A}3F
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:29:58z Send another GB7LB{7D}3E
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:29:47z Send another MM6LKG{7C}3D
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:29:34z Send another EGPF{7B}3C
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:29:17z Reply Foundation/A.J ( Member of The Elderslie Amateur Radio Society ( E.A.R.S )/Scotland{T5}7C
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:29:17z Send another MM6LKG{7C}3B
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:29:04z Reply format is an invalid command!{T4}7B
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:29:04z Send another EGPF{7B}3A
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 11:28:57z Send another Test message{7A}39
G5DAV-5 G5DAV 09/03 11:28:27z Send another Test message{7A}38
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:26:19z Send another EGPF{79}37
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:25:49z Reply format is an invalid command!{T3}79
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:25:49z Send another EGPF{79}36
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:22:51z Send another G5DAV{78}35
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:22:21z Reply {T2}78
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:22:21z Send another G5DAV{78}34
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:21:07z Send another MM6LKG{77}33
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:21:03z Send another MM6LKG{76}32
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:20:47z Send another G5DAV{75}31
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:20:37z Reply Foundation/A.J ( Member of The Elderslie Amateur Radio Society ( E.A.R.S )/Scotland{T1}77
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:20:36z Send another MM6LKG{77}30
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:20:31z Reply Foundation/A.J ( Member of The Elderslie Amateur Radio Society ( E.A.R.S )/Scotland{T0}76
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:20:31z Send another MM6LKG{76}2F
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:20:18z Reply {SZ}75
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:20:17z Send another G5DAV{75}2E
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:20:14z Send another GM0HYY{74}2D
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:19:56z Send another GM0RAY{73}2C
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:19:44z Reply J Trinder/Scotland{SY}74
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:19:43z Send another GM0HYY{74}2B
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:19:26z Reply Alan/Scotland{SX}73
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:19:26z Send another GM0RAY{73}2A
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:19:24z Send another GB7LB{72}29
WHO-15 G5DAV-5 09/03 11:18:54z Reply GB7LB was not found!{SW}72
G5DAV-5 WHO-15 09/03 11:18:53z Send another GB7LB{72}28