GI7ULG messages

fromtotime message
GI7ULG S51HF 08/16 09:24:00z Send another Qsl franci 59 io64vo 73
GI7ULG IK6GZM 08/16 09:22:36z Send another Qsl luca 599 to io64v0 73.
GI7ULG EA4FG 08/16 09:21:21z Send another Hi mister 59 - io64vo 73
GI7ULG SAT 08/16 08:57:04z Send another Hello All. rsoiss de sean gi7ulg
EA4FG GI7ULG 08/16 08:56:36z Reply RR 59 73
IK6GZM GI7ULG 08/15 13:00:47z Reply You are 599 in JN62RV. QSL?
S51HF GI7ULG 08/15 13:00:39z Reply 73 from Franci JN76tk QSL?
GI7ULG IZ1POV 08/15 11:26:19z Send another iz1pov qsl 59 io64vo
IZ1POV GI7ULG 08/15 11:25:48z Reply Hello&73!QSL?{25
GI7ULG SAT 08/15 11:22:00z Send another g7nir 59 io64vo
GI7ULG MI0OUT 08/15 10:01:29z Send another Stationn of the nation
GI7ULG OZ3FON 08/15 09:56:02z Send another Hi frantz thanks for copy. Qsl OK. 73 de sean GI7ULG
OZ3FON GI7ULG 08/15 09:48:10z Reply OZ3FON PSE SEND E QSL VY 73
MI0OUT GI7ULG 08/07 12:55:53z Reply heard in io65pe de phil..
GI7ULG G0RTM 08/06 17:24:15z Send another Hi,Peter thanks for report 73 de sean GI7ULG.
GI7ULG F1EZC 08/06 17:23:23z Send another Hi Jean Paul, thanks for report. 73 de sean GI7ULG
F1EZC GI7ULG 08/06 17:02:22z Reply OK my friend 73 from FRANCE
G0RTM GI7ULG 08/06 15:24:43z Reply Greetings de Peter in IO84PH 73'
MI0OUT GI7ULG 08/06 15:23:34z Reply CQ