KD9BBB-6 messages

fromtotime message
KD9BBB-6 EMAIL2 09/16 22:18:25z Send another dnco@races.org APRS Net checkin kd9bbb{03
EMAIL KD9BBB-6 07/29 23:37:21z Reply Email sent to dnco@races.org{334
KD9BBB-6 EMAIL 07/29 23:37:21z Send another dnco@races.org aprs checkin kd9bbb{02
KD9BBB-6 EMAIL 07/29 23:37:12z Send another dnc@races.org aprs checkin kd9bbb{01
EMAIL KD9BBB-6 07/29 23:36:40z Reply Email sent to dnc@races.org{333