KE5GDB-3 messages

fromtotime message
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 01:06:52z Send another what can you do with a Pi & FTM400 serial port?{09
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 01:00:45z Send another When will you add balloon RX features? We use the Horus ecosystem.{08
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 00:56:03z Send another typing on the FTM-400 sucks.. {07
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 00:54:23z Send another ?APRSP
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 00:46:32z Send another Hey this is a test from California{06
KE5GDB-3 KM6LYW 03/11 00:44:53z Send another hello from tx{05
KM6LYW KE5GDB-3 03/11 00:42:51z Reply Hey this is a test from California{4402