KK7RFI-10 messages

fromtotime message
WLNK-1 KK7RFI-10 09/19 02:44:36z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{676
WLNK-1 KK7RFI-10 09/18 02:03:27z Reply You have 2 Winlink mail messages pending{467
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:11:39z Reply do u see thisBENCH>T8TTTV,LDYSMH,WIDE1,MTWS39*,WIDE2-1,qAR,VE7KGV-10:'3CXl #/]Cowichan Fill In Digi VE7MLX
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:10:30z Reply do u see thisVE7LSE-7>T9PQPR,LDYSMH,WIDE1,MTWS39,WIDE2*,qAR,VE7KGV-10:`3MEl6)[/>"4L}442.450MHz C141 +500(WLNK-1) 145.410 4^
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:06:27z Reply do u see thisCHURCH>APDW17,LDYSMH,VE7SJ*,qAR,VA7PF:!4851.69NS12237.06W#PHG5260W7JIM
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:06:26z Reply do u see thisCHURCH>APDW17,MTWS39*,WIDE2-1,qAR,VE7KGV-10:!4851.69NS12237.06W#PHG5260W7JIM
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:05:25z Reply do u see this
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:05:22z Reply do u see this{06
VE7XPP-9 KK7RFI-10 09/04 02:05:22z Reply do u see this06
WLNK-1 KK7RFI-10 09/01 00:18:04z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{3277
WLNK-1 KK7RFI-10 08/02 21:31:55z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{2431