KM4ACK-2 messages

fromtotime message
W4ERR-9 KM4ACK-2 08/16 19:41:53z Reply You Enroute to Huntsville or no?{1
N5WDX KM4ACK-2 08/14 00:25:23z Reply This is a test from N5WDX. Let me know if received.
N5WDX KM4ACK-2 08/14 00:25:17z Reply This is a test from N5WDX. Let me know if received.{M0002
N5WDX KM4ACK-2 08/14 00:23:34z Reply Hi Jason. Trying to get YAAC up and running. N5WDX
N5WDX KM4ACK-2 08/14 00:23:27z Reply Hi Jason. Trying to get YAAC up and running. N5WDX{M0001
KM4ACK-2 CQ 07/17 00:20:06z Send another Net at 1930. 145.230 T114.8 Everyone welcome!