K7OPP-9>TWUWYY,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,KD7ESK-7:`2'xqR)u\`"4,}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPTVP,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2'#rfu\`"4,}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPYQP,WIDE1-1,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2'4l4Du\`"4T}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPYQT,qAR,AF7DX:`2'4m#;u\`"4_}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPXXX,qAR,W0FLZ-10:`2'Rl 0u\`"4K}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPXYU,WIDE1-1,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2'Zn#Vu\`"4L}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXQTSS,qAR,W0FLZ-10:`2*Po,cu\`"4X}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXQTTP,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,W0FLZ-10:`21"o"du\`"3t}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXQTTX,qAR,K9JEB:`20{lq-u\`"3d}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXQRVT,qAR,W0FLZ-10:`2(kl#8u\`"45}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TXPTWS,qAR,KG7SXF-10:`2'%r!ku\`"4E}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TWUXPQ,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAO,K7NVH-1:`2'zp6u\`"4:}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TWUWWW,qAO,K7NVH-1:`2(]n!mu\`"4X}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4
K7OPP-9>TWUUVS,qAR,CRYSTL:`2+hmfuu\`"5u}try and send an APRS MSG, and I will try asnd respond :)_4