Call/CW Town/City Zip Code Elev (m) Location Weather Graphs Raw Packets Nearby Weather Warnings email to: Web Site
ABDA2 Dimond and Minnesota 99518 15 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Andy
AD4BL Fairbanks 99712 229.8000031 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Linda
KL8DX-7 Healy 99743 594.4000244 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Phil
ARCA2 Anchorage 99505 1096.400024 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
WL7ZY Fairbanks 99709 152 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eugene WL7ZY
WL7ZY-6 Circle Hot Springs 99730 427 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eugene WL7ZY-6
N1TX Two Rivers 99712 235 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Larry
KL7TQ-5 Eagle River 99577 176 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Mark
NL3D-13 Anchorage 99507 135.53 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Mike
WL7GX-13 Fairbanks 99712 443.04 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jerry
KL1JP-2 Fairbanks 99712 321.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dan
FOXAK Fox 640 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Larry
KL2D-13 Anchorage 99516 223.03 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Justin
2RIVRS Two Rivers 259 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Larry
KL1JP-5 Tok 99780 1003.38 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dan
PAFC Anchorage 99502 39.20000076 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Anchorage forecast
KL4VX Fairbanks 99709 297 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Shawn
KL4VX-13 Fairbanks 99709 299.31 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Shawn
KE5QFO Bay View North Douglas CWOP 99801 7.01 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jonathan
AYBA2 Girdwood 99587 76.19999695 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
AYMA2 Girdwood 99587 457.2000122 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
AYTA2 Girdwood 99587 838.2000122 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
BMSA2 Brevig Mission School 99785 6.099999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CBHA2 Cordova 99574 7.59 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CBKA2 Anchorage 99507 67.69999695 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CDFA2 Coldfoot DOT 99701 320 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
CDSA2 Chandler Shelf DOT 99709 990.5999756 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
CDTA2 Central DOT 99730 287 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
CENA2 Central 99730 264.6000061 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CLGA2 Fairbanks 99709 229 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
CNRA2 Chena Hot Springs 99712 361 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
CPBA2 Dutch Harbor 99692 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CSSA2 Anchorage 99507 78.59999847 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CW0326 Chignik 99565 5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Larry
CW0394 Palmer 99645 137 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CW0804 West Juneau 99801 30 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David CW0804
CW1113 Chugiak 99567 82 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dan
CW1233 Eagle River 99577 102 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Victor
CW1480 Eagle River 99577 101.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Rich
CW1514 Chignik Lagoon 99565 8 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn
CW2618 Ester 99709 237 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ken
CW3084 Anchorage 99507 401 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jean
CW3575 MP1282 AK Hghy 99780 609 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Andrew
CW4027 Chugiak 99567 91.40000153 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CW4397 Eagle River 99577 185.8999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Kris
CW4419 Eagle River 99501 106.85 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Richard
CW4522 Ninilchik 99639 423.7000122 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jim
CW4623 Wasilla 99687 60 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Russ
CW4652 Sutton 99674 166 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Steve
CW4871 Palmer South 99645 51 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
CW5150 Haines 99827 14 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jeff
CW5203 Anchorage 99517 15 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn John
CW5208 Fairbanks 99709 292 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Bob
CW5281 Fairbanks 00709 480 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Seth
CW5338 Healy 99743 324.6000061 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Todd
CW5435 Fairbanks 99709 427 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Mike
CW5658 Fairbanks 99701 179.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eric
CW5666 Kodiak 99615 24 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Craig
CW5669 Kodiak 99615 40 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Joe
CW5876 Kodiak 99615 3 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn North
CW6065 Brooks Camp 99613 14.45 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Roy
CW6122 Palmer 99645 129.75 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jerry
MLKA2 Wasilla 99654 104.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Victor
CW6333 Fairbanks 99709 357 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Don
CW6400 Fairbanks 99709 132 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ken
CW7100 Talkeetna 99676 129 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eric
CW7446 Girdwood 99587 88 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Todd
CW7689 Metlakatla 99926 53.29999924 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Christopher
CW8253 Sterling 99672 82 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Victoria
CW8584 Chugiak 99567 153 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Daniel
CW8873 Eagle River 99577 291 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Glynn
CW9287 Valdez 99686 8 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Gordon
DIOA2 Diomede School 99762 7.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
DJSA2 Delta Junction School 99737 355 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Gary
DUTA2 Dutch Harbor 99692 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
DW0100 Fairbanks 99709 132.25 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ken
DW0141 Seward Nash Woods 99664 25.29999924 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
DW0599 Kodiak Buskin River 99615 24.39999962 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
DW0673 West Turnagain 99517 6 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Whitham
DW1292 Delta Junction 99737 350.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Daniel
DW1453 Salcha 99901 214 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn John
DW1471 Wasilla 99654 152.8999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
DW1522 Eagle River 99577 305 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Chris
DW1592 Valdez 99686 6.099999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Wendy
DW1707 Big Lake 99652 54 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Greg
DW1729 Seward 99664 28 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Casey
DW1861 Kasilof 99610 48 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Casey
DW2066 Kenai 99611 27.1 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ken
DW2266 Sterling 99672 83 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Casey
DW2593 Kodiak 99615 16 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dave
DW3151 Kodiak 99615 11 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Michael
DW3441 Palmer 99645 30 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Brianne
DW5584 Kake 99830 9 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Gary
DW5906 Pelican 99832 4 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Connie
DW7018 Eagle River 99577 187 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Robert
DW7024 Eagle River 99577 187 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Robert
DW7739 Eagle River 99577 740.7000122 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Lewis
DW8477 Eagle River 99577 155.3999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Steve
DW8832 Ted Stevens Lena Point CWOP 99801 0 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Sharon
DW8962 Wasilla 99654 179.8000031 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Clayton
BAYA2 Anchorage 99515 20 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jeff BAYA2
DW9220 Fairbanks 99709 349 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Gina
DW9260 Valdez 99686 13.7 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn John
DW9944 Wasilla 99654 177.13 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Edward
ELMA2 Elim School 99739 13.69999981 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
ELSA2 Anchorage 99518 40 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn James
ENSA2 Anchorage 99503 30 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn James
ERHA2 Eagle River Heights 99577 161 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Sam
ERPA2 Eagle River 99577 174 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eagle River
ESFA2 Eagle Riv South Fork 99577 527 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Kip
EW0760 Bethel 99559 6 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Port
EW0902 Anchorage 99507 150.8999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jeff
EW0989 Anchorage 99516 391.67 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Derek
EW1155 Fairbanks 99709 168 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Christopher
EW1190 Anchorage 99507 173.91 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn William
EW1242 Eagle River 99577 86 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Daniel
EW1265 Healy 99743 418.7999878 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn James
EW1266 Anchorage 99516 30 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Robert
EW1289 Anchorage 99508 65 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Richard
EW1493 Anchorage 99507 75 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Brian
EW1551 Palmer 99645 75 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Chris
EW3362 Shemya Island 99605 121 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Charley
EW4000 Fairbanks 99712 220.3999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Tony EW4000
EW4335 Barrow 99723 10 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Eliot
EW6026 Anchorage 99516 163 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Christopher
EW6352 Eaglecrest Ptarmigan Lift Base CWOP 99801 365 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Nate
EW6804 Valdez 99686 8 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Alan
EW6865 Seward 99664 44.65 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Bixler
EW6881 Sutton 99674 143 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Sutton Public
EW7026 Anchorage 99516 359.55 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Michael
EW7581 Sodotna 99669 116.75 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Glynn
EW7964 Glacier View 99674 720 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn John
EW7994 6mi Mitkof highway Petersburg CWOP 99833 32.35 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Trina
EW8412 Anchorage 99502 19.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Andrew
FAOA2 College Observatory 99775 182 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
FBSA2 Ester Dome 99709 708 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
FNOA2 Moose Pass 99631 1048.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
FW0213 Sutton 99674 199 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn James
FW0406 Anchorage 99515 18.6 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Amanda
FW0634 Big Lake 99652 52 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Mike
FW1202 North Pole 99705 183.67 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Pete
FW3637 Eagle River 99577 132.12 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Gary
FW3804 Delta Junction 99737 305 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jeremy
FW3890 Anchorage 99518 26.48 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Louise
KL7YK-1 Anchorage 99518 26.78 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ron
FW4513 WASILLA 99654 163.18 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn COX
FW4561 Pelican CWOP 99832 17.42 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jim
FW5326 Anchorage 99516 387.76 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Carl
FW8601 Lemesurier Island SW CWOP 99826 36.29 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Bob
FW9793 6mi Mitkof highway Petersburg CWOP 99833 31.91 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Trina
GAHA2 Anchorage 99516 669 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
GDKA2 Talkeetna 99676 203.6000061 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
GLVA2 Golovin School 99762 6.699999809 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
GMBA2 Gambell School 99742 7.900000095 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
GW2577 Anchorage 99507 271.00 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Nicholas
GW3704 WILLOW 99688 72 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn PAUL GW3704
GW4253 ANCHORAGE 99505 1189 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn JOHN
GW5500 PETERSBURG 99833 31 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn MEUCCI
GW5889 FAIRBANKS 99701 140 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn EXECUTIVE GW5889
GW6006 PETERSBURG 99833 28.956 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn TRINA
JMTA2 Jim River DOT 99726 259.7000122 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
KYKA2 Koyuk School 99753 21.29999924 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
LDTA2 Livengood DOT 99774 198 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
LKLA2 Lake Louise 99588 724 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ron
MARA2 Fairbanks 99709 273 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Mike
MDTA2 Manley Hot Springs DOT 99774 105 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
MMAA2 Girdwood 99587 1005.799988 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
MMRA2 Palmer 99645 1371.599976 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
MPSA2 Moose Pass 99631 220.1000061 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
NUAA2 Anchorage 99508 44 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Karl
PLFA2 Palmer Landfill 99645 93 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Barbara
PWMA2 Midtown Est - W Palmer 99645 113 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dave
RSQA2 North Bias Drive 99712 294.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ron
SAGA2 Sag River DOT 99734 497 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
SAVA2 Savoonga School 99769 15.80000019 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SBBA2 Stebbins School 99671 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SBLA2 Settler's Bay Lodge 99654 75 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Steve
SEBA2 Anchorage 99502 34.15 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Shaun
SERA2 Girdwood 99587 731.5 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SEVA2 Seven Mile DOT 99774 195 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Ed
SHSA2 Shishmaref School 99772 7.300000191 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SKKA2 Shaktoolik School 99771 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SMKA2 Saint Michael School 99659 7.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SNBA2 Girdwood 99587 1158.199951 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
SOMA2 Seward 99664 96 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Matt
SVCA2 Anchorage 99507 117 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Dan
TEKA2 Chitna 99566 1820 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
TESA2 Tanaina Elementary 99654 144 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Tom
TLLA2 Teller School 99778 7.300000191 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
TMSA2 Teeland Middle School 99654 132 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Tom
TNLA2 Moose Pass 99631 181.3999939 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
TSEA2 Trailside Elementary 99507 111 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Patrick
UGAA2 Ugashik 99649 11 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Roland
UNKA2 Unalakleet School 99684 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
UOMA2 Upper O'Malley 99516 201 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Jon
VWSA2 Valdez 99686 15.19999981 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
WHMA2 Whittier 99693 4.599999905 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
WLSA2 Wales School 99783 6.699999809 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
WMSA2 White Mountain School 99784 14.89999962 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
WODA2 Woodsmoke North Pole 99705 146 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn Cary
WSLA2 Wasilla 99623 110.9000015 Maps WxGraph RawPkts Stations WxWarn David
Info on the APRS Network

Last changed: 02/25/2025 15:49