CWOP Membership Lists

Site Contents:
Main Page
Data Quality
Member Lists
Map/Data Displays
Ham Wx Station Info
CW Packet Checking
Weather Station Resources
Computer Security and Archive
[LOGO] Related Links:
CWOP info
APRS-IS info info
FAQs, Forums
Solar Radiation
MADIS Program
APRS Servers to Use
NOAA mesonet display

Information about CWOP Members

1. Member Lists

This is a full membership list covering both active and inactive members. The Search Tool allows you to search the full membership list using several different search items.

2. APRSWXNETStation.txt file

This is the APRSWXNETStation.txt file that is updated daily and used to determine which data will be on the mesonet map and in the quality checking analysis. This same file is sent to and used to determine the data that are transferred to NOAA. The file is also picked up by MesoWest and NOSA every night and used to update their database.

3. Members Personal Web Sites

Here is a list of Member Web Sites. Many of our members maintain personal web sites with weather and other information for local users. Many have web cams and those with web cams are also indicated in the link above. If you would like to have your personal web site here, just send an e-mail with the URL. If it is weather oriented and suitable, it will be included.

4. Solar Radiation Search Tool

Nearly a thousand CWOP members send in solar radiation data along with weather data. Solar Radiation data are not sent on to MADIS or users, so the CWOP Solar Radiation Search Tool is provided to view solar radiation data sets or to give a graphical way to compare several nearby station's solar radiation values. The tool provides CSV files that can be put into a spreadsheet to compare or graph solar radiation values. Data can also be compared with NOAA Surface Radiation (SurfRad) data.

5. APRS Database Search

The EOSS search page is an easy and useful way to search through the APRS/CWOP database to view weather data and station location for any of the APRS/CWOP stations.

Page generated on Apr 24, 2014. Site maintained by CWOP Support. Send any comments to cwop-support at noaa dot gov.